Meal Tracking App Design

LifeOrganizer is a platform for women about healthy intuitive nutrition and balanced lifestyle. Our team was challenged with creating a clean, user-friendly and sophisticated LifeOrganizer Mobile App for iOS platform. Whether you’re monitoring your nutrition to lose weight or just hold yourself accountable for what you’re eating, LifeOrganizer makes it easy. With fresh aesthetics of the native iOS design, track your meals in a meal diary, check out nutrition facts, pass various nutrition and psychological tests, and get useful insights based on your data.
iOS App

13 screens

30 hours

Main Screens

Splash Screen

The splash screen is a welcome page that greets the user every time he opens the LifeOrganizer application. A special character of a woman meditating was created for the project. Before creating a final version of the character, several iterations were passed and various concepts were suggested.

Onboarding Screen

Onboarding screen offers you to sign up with Facebook, Google or with Email. If you already have an account, then you need to login. The registration process is simple, so as not to take a lot of time from the new users. To sign up you just need to enter your name, email, and come up with a password.

Meal Diary Screen

Once logged in, you are taken to your Meal Diary page, where you can add a new meal, watch your today’s or previous meals history with the help calendar. Meals are sorted by time, each has an image if added, title and time of consumption.

Add Meal Screen

To add your meal you need to fill the list. Take a picture of your meal, add a clear title, the time is added automatically. To save your time there’s also an option to add from previous meals. To do this, simply search for the food you need by name, or use the calendar to choose the needed meals. After you have added the meal, you can proceed to the test to track the connection between how you feel and what you eat.

Test Screen

The App includes numerous psychological tests to help you eat healthy, develop new habits, and learn to live in balance and harmony with yourself. The most of the test neded to track the connection between how you feel and what you eat. With the help of the tests you can realize what makes you eat: hunger or some kind of psychological mood: emotional experience, stress or just boredom.

Settings Screen

The Settings screen design, like the rest of the application, is made in accordance with the native iOS HIG guidelines. Here you can manage application settings, sounds, notifications, interface language, find out how the application works, contact support, invite friends or rate the application in the App Store. You can also log into the app from the settings screen.

All Screens

Overall, 13 screens were designed as an App MVP to test if the idea works. This type of cooperation is also possible if you are not sure whether to take on a project and wish to see the design of several pages to make a final decision.

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